I often like to describe coaching (life coaching or personal coaching) in terms of the 5Cs.
The 5Cs, I find, is an easy way to frame coaching when describing it to someone else or to a new client, as it also helps to set a context for this type of coaching, while distinguishing it from other forms of coaching, for example coaching that is advice-led or has more of a mentoring approach.
Below, I delve a little deeper into each of the Cs:
My 5Cs of coaching
Coaching is a conversation
Coaching is a conversation between a coach and a client, but it is a conversation with a difference.
During coaching a coach asks questions, but will also be:
Listening to what is said
‘Listening’ for the unsaid
Reflecting back
Checking in
Sharing observations/feedback (with permission)
Coaching is collaborative
Coaching is a collaborative partnership where client and coach are equals. They both work together to create meaning, solutions and actions.
The coach facilitates and provides a safe space, and in so doing, supports the client to develop insights, motivations and new perspectives.
Coaching is client-led
In client-led coaching, it is the client who leads or drives the conversation. What does this look like?
The client will choose the topic, decide on the destination of the conversation, decide on the actions to take forward and reflect on the insights. The client is the expert and the one who will make meaning out of the observations shared by the coach.
Coaching is about change
A client seeks out coaching to bring about change in one or more aspects of their life. The coach will help clients by asking questions, listening deeply and exploring the client’s vision, inner world and ideas.
Through working with the coach, the client experiences learning opportunities and shapes what they need to put in place to see things through.
Coaching is confidential
Coaching is a confidential space where the details of what is shared with a coach are not shared with anyone else, unless the client has given permission.
During my very early days as a coach, I used to record all of my coaching sessions, but I would always ask the client first before hitting the record button, and I would seek the client's permission before sharing aspects of the coaching session with my mentor or supervisor (while always keeping the client's identify confidential).
Another aspect of confidentiality is note-taking and applying confidentiality to client records by keeping the information safe by storing it securely.
A summary of what coaching is
If I were to sum up coaching in a simple sentence, I would say that ‘coaching a collaborative conversation between a coach and client that brings about change and new behaviours’.
Another important part of coaching is that it has its roots in therapy (and borrows heavily from some of the concepts, models and tools used in therapy). That said, coaching is different to therapy as therapy has a focus on the past.
Coaching focuses on the present and looks to the future.